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APT International heeft 30.000 m² stock in België en 3.000 machines direct leverbaar.
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Rudolf Kunkel 32 ton

Extra info

  • Horizontal press 32 ton
    Pressing force is adjustable from 1 to 32 ton
    5,5 kW
    stroke: 200 mm
    max open: 300 mm

    bending cap: 140 x 20 mm at V125
    bending cap: 200 x 18 (19) mm at V200

    length: 1200 mm
    width: 1400 mm
    height: 1160 mm
    weight: 1,4 ton

    Range of applications:
    - Bending and straightening structural sections, I-beams and channels
    - Bending and straightening plate
    - Punching, piercing, slotting and notching
    - Straightening shafts and bars
    - Bending tube and pipe

  • Type/Model: 32 ton
  • Stocknummer: R.01 9444
  • Kies een Categorie: [R] Draadbewerkingsmachines
  • Subcategorie: [R.01] Draadbuigmachines
  • Merk: Rudolf Kunkel

StockNr: R.01 9444

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